Friday, March 14, 2014

Project Strategy: Low Mojo

I am low on mojo! Ugh! .. Can't even warp my brain around a good idea. So, in times like this, I clear my desk too see how many projects survive the purge. ... All clear! .. Now there is an awesome plan in place. I'm going to challenge myself to sit and scrap something everyday. Yes! Yes! When my mojo is low, I go back to what I know, and scrapbooking is and will always be, my first creative outlet love! ... Until next case!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Case log: Time gone!

It's Saturday?! ... I just realized that I didn't post my weekly case log. I usually try for Tuesday or Thursday, since I teach on the other days. ... But it's midterm time, and just like my students, this time keeps me pretty busy also. Hopefully I'll be able to share some fun artwork soon! I did finally complete my page "Bottom Line". I'm feeling a little justified, take a look ... Until next case!

Happy New Year, Until Not

On Wednesday, I slept in late because my allergies were flaring up. Still, I was excited because I was about to relaunch my blog, ready to c...