Sunday, February 26, 2017

It's a Pickle

Well, this is a pickle. ... I've been running around all day and have not had a chance to sit and even think of what I want to write about. I have been up since 7 a.m. and just hit my bed to rest when I remembered that I have a personal deadline to meet. Well, I made it! .. and I'm in bed so I can even note the weeks I've been at it because I am to far from the calendar to look. LOL!

Lately, I have been wondering what to write about. My weekly writing is settling in nicely and I am ready to branch out and get some ideas flowing. I've been thinking of doing a lecture series but that could get boring, or maybe looking more into the Word and how to apply it, but that could get preachy, ha ha ... is that even a word?

I really would like to start exploring some topics but I am so interested in everything! ... form art exhibits, crime, politics, news, DIY, parenting, travel, scrapbooking and more! There are tons of things I can write about, I just need to find one. I thought my adventures would be cool but for the most part those have dried up and they would. I keep to myself lately, choosing to observe the world from a safe place ... that place having nothing to do with fear but self preservation ... that at another sit down, when I'm ready to process, I'll explain.

So for now, I am going to write everyday this week and see if I can come up with some cool topics to write about. I'm hoping to find a rhythm along the way, a groove that I can boogie down too. Yeah, I'm looking for some new dance steps! LOL!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Family Time, The Best Time

Family dinner has begun! … Each month my family and I rotate between each other’s houses and have a family dinner. This month was dinner was at Grandma’s house and as usual, we have the best time. My mother-in-law is the most amazing person on the earth. I love hearing her stories of growing up in the south, with eleven other brothers and sisters! I’m an only child and that many siblings fascinates me to no end. I’m not sure what I would have done with all those people to share anything with! LOL!

My Sister-in-law tried a new chicken and broccoli bake that was delish – just remembered I didn’t get the recipe, I must call her – and this time I was on dessert and since I am the worst cook in the world, my goods are always store bought … at least I am really good at pickin’em. The food is just part of the ambiance. It’s really about getting together and catching up on the family’s who, what, when and where’s.

This year we have all planned to go on vacation together. Which is exciting for my kids because it’s the first time they get to go on vacation with their Grandma – who loves to travel and see the sights! Not much slows her down, I mean she puts me to shame with her 5 am gym time and dancing group. She is the center of our family and I am so happy that we make the time to come together and spend that time with her and the rest of the family, and I can’t end there, because my father-in-law is the reason we are all together and so close. We lost him two years ago to the only thing that could take him – cancer. … And we miss him dearly at our gatherings, but his love, strength, and making sure we knew family was important (he was 1 of 22. Yep! 1 of 22) keeps us going.

So, at the end of the night, we are full and plump, hoarse from laughing. We tidy up and say our goodbyes. Good memory managed.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Politely I Smiled

Coming up this week: A criminal justice event on Racial Justice & Policing, and sit down with Orange County Probation, a lecture on jails and detention centers, a counseling appointment, two days off of school, and an interview with a Spanish speaker. Life is a highway, and apparently, I drive it all day long! LOL! Yes! This week is going to be busy, busy, busy and of course I have grand plans to meal prep, remember what I walked in the room for, and grade all the assignments that are due this week.

In the meantime, I enjoy a nice cup of tea. It has been my solace as I navigate a world that I recognize fully. I’m smiling to myself now as I think about how it doesn’t matter who the President is … I am still a woman and I am still Black. Actually, one of my students challenged me and asked, “how do you know that you have been discriminated against?” … politely I smiled and said, “it’s a lot like, you voted and the candidate that you voted for didn’t win and now you’re in the streets protesting that your voice was not heard … well, it’s just like that, except my candidate never wins”. It’s hard to discuss race relations with anyone. However, my students are an amazing bunch of people and when I see them on campus, interacting with each other and sharing their current experience, going to college. I see hope.

It’s a holding on hope.  Hope that makes a difference when I’m minding my own business while someone holds their purse a little tighter or makes sure that they clear a path so we don’t brush against each other or gasps in disbelief that I am a professor at a university. Yeah, the hope they give me is a holding hope. A hope that one day it will no longer matter that I am a woman and I am Black.

Oh there I go! Getting all deep. This was supposed to stay light, airy, and bright but oh, it was on my mind. … Okay, next week, I’m looking for some adventure! Hope is what I have to find it!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

"Yeah, You've Got a Friend in Me"

This week was way better than last week! ... but I knew it would be. Sometimes you just have to move forward, pushing through because if you look back, you get all caught up in the should've, could've, and would'ves. Which doesn't do me any good at all ... been there, done that, have the t-shirt to prove it.

What this past week gave me a chance to do was reevaluate myself as a friend. Now, this was amazingly a hard thing to do because I have not always been a good friend. I broke promises, let people down, and lied a lot to victory, well, at least I thought it was victory, and in all that, I could say that I was young and didn't know better, which is part of it, but the truth is, I could have made better choices and been a better friend.

I am so glad that with age and experience, comes wisdom. Today, I consider myself a really good friend, a perfect secret keeper ... I mean there is no way Lily and James Potter would have died on my watch! {insert neck swivel and I dare you face here} No way! ... but what my past has taught me is that being kind, considerate, authentic, loving, and dare I say, real. It's the only way to go. I have forge really good friendships with people who I love dearly ...and I don't part from them without them knowing that they are loved. Today, my intentions to be a really good friend not only goes without saying, it's practiced! ... and with that I say,

Good night Friend, I love you!

Happy New Year, Until Not

On Wednesday, I slept in late because my allergies were flaring up. Still, I was excited because I was about to relaunch my blog, ready to c...